Dunfallandy Charts are Here
Here are a few different ways to look at the Dunfallandy Baby Blanket more visually. There isn't a convention for horizontal cables, which is even more complicated by 3 right-sided rows in a row, but the gist of the square/diamond/triangle can be conveyed below.
PLEASE don't take this diagram too literally--it can't show all the subtleties, but gives an idea of how the cables flow.
This is an idealized sketch of how the cables flow. There's much more detail in the instructions. The edges are more of an average of what is happening.
Yellow squares represent knitted cables. Horizontal cables only take one row to make, but will cover up two rows.
Odd numbers are right-side rows.
Gray stitches are placeholders; they don't exist. But I can't guarantee that number of stitches per row, especially just after the last horizontal cable, will match exactly with what is depicted.
You've been warned.
Thanks to Kate Atherley, technical editor extraordinaire, for contributing her chart of the upper half. I'm also grateful to Knitty for publishing my first knitting pattern.
Again, horizontal cables cover two rows, making if difficult to convey everything going on. The bottom is nearly a mirror image of the top, though the decreases just inside the border cables are positioned on slightly different rows than might be expected. It seemed to work best this way. The last couple rows will be easy.
For those working the triangles, some decreases are needed at the widest rows to rein them in to be sewn with others, so do consult the written directions, too.